Lotus Notes is a distributed client/Server platform that allows you to develop applications containing data to be shared by groups of users across a network. It is comprised of a set of documents databases that reside on top of a message infrastructure.
Defect Tracking System (DTS)
DTS is a very good tool for the defects tracking for a particular project / Equipment. The Defects are tracked in a very systematic manner. User enters all the details of problem occurred in the system, like problem type, criticality etc. These details are online viewed by the In charge, so that he can take action to sort out.
Project Management System (PMS)
PMS administers the Project status for that particular Project and its phase. It will be an integral part of the project management activity and aims to give the client team and Optimum project team.
PMS is responsible for maintaining all actions, which are taken during development of the system or phase. Internally, this phase will be useful for management of resources.
Administrator will feed the data like Client, Project, Project phases, defect log (internal), defect log (external), change request and other relevant reports based on these data.
Recruitment System:The Recruitment System is a web-based Intranet application. Three levels of users are defined for this application, i.e. Admin, HR Manager and Interviewer. Admin role is able to view all the reports based on various criteria like rejected candidates, selected candidates, candidates on hold and resumes of candidates based on their skill set. HR can mail all the employees of the company to announce the forthcoming recruitment of employees along with designation, seats available and skill set they need. HR also assigns a unique Id to all the candidates, interviewer name and date of the interview. Interviewer can view the resumes of all the candidates, which have been assigned to him for interview.
Resource Booking System (RBS)
RBS is a web-based Intranet application. This system provides facility to users to book the resources of their organization for their official use.
The administrator can create a new Resource and the Informative fields required in that resource. The users of the system would be able to book the resources on a particular date and time as well as on recurring basis.
For Example: A user wants to use conference hall for a meeting on a particular date for a time slot. He can login to this system and see the status of that room, if room is available than he can book the room. Now if any other user wants to use that room on same date and time then he can not book it and can check for further availability.
Training Management System (TMS)
The TMS is a web-based Intranet application. This system provides facility to users to arrange, allocate and track the training programs.
This system works in workgroups. If HR department is to arrange a training program for joining employees, then admin will feed the information about the program, which is captured by the heads of other departments. These department heads can decide which employee should attend this program and can apply on their behalf. Automatic mails will be sending to corresponding employees, for which they have to send confirmation.
Time Sheet Management System (TSMS)
The TSMS provides facility to users to manage their daily work routines. Administrator creates new projects and the jobs and allocates them to users. In the day end user has to fill all the information regarding the work he has done on that day for that project. This will lead to generate various reports for the analysis of work done on that project
Leave Management System (LMS)
The LMS provides facility to users to manage their leaves. Administrator creates leave policies and allocates them to employees. Employees can view leaves status and fill online leave applications and send them for approvals. The HR manager or Administrator can approve leaves and send mails to employees. This will lead to generate various reports for the leaves taken, balance, cancelled etc.